2857 Current Status
Current Status of 2857
Update Part 1
Over the last few months 2 working parties have occurred on the loco, with various jobs being completed. These include – Stripping the smokebox of its contents, cleaning and protective painting the inside of the smokebox, Burning the small tubes away at the firebox end of the boiler, making a start to collapsing the small tubes in the smokebox end, Splitting the loco and tender for the EMF tender hire, removing the fall plate, and removal of the cab floor.
***Note – All the work has been managed in co-ordination with the Severn Valley Railway, and has been carried out by Society Volunteers. This work by no means indicates that an overhaul has commenced on 2857 but it does mean that we can put the locomotive in a better place for when the overhaul does start***
We would like to thank the Severn Valley Railway for being very accommodating with us, allowing us to carry out this work, and providing excellent help and advice along the way.
The work being carried out on the boiler/Smokebox is to allow us to have a boiler inspector visit, and carry out their best possible inspection on the boiler without removing it from the frames. This work will be carried on at our next working party, with the aim to remove all the small tubes, and make a start on the flue tubes too.
The work on the cab floor, was done in co-ordination with the tender split. This work will allow us to give the floor area a good clean, undercoat, and holding coat of paint to protect the metal work. The Fall Plate was also removed at the same time, as this had become life expired so will need replacing at overhaul stage.
Update Part 2 – Looking to the future will follow in due course!

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