
The Society Plans and Visions for the future

Following on from our AGM on Saturday 12th October, we are happy to bring our followers our plans and visions for the future years to come.

Firstly, we held a very successful meeting with the Severn Valley Railway in late September. At this meeting both parties were able to come up with a clear plan as to how an overhaul could be carried out and the timescales surrounding that overhaul. Although we cannot tell you the proposed date at this time, what we can say is that between the Society and SVR an aspirational/proposed date was agreed for work to commence. Our next stage is to meet with the SVR on a more regular basis, to begin forming a solid plan for both organisations to move forward with together.

Part of the above agreement is that the 2857 Society will commit to contracting out a full ‘Bottom End Overhaul’ on the locomotive. Our focus now is on obtaining quotes, from at least 4 contractors, and then reviewing those. We will then meet with the SVR to discuss the best choice, and move forward from that point. We are aware that we will need to begin a large fundraising scheme, and overhaul appeal, and details of this will be emerging in the New Year.

In terms of our Society Visions the Trustees have outlined a number of anniversaries in the 2030’s decade, that they wish the locomotive to be in traffic to celebrate. These included the 60th Anniversary of the formation of the original ‘28xx Society’, the 70th Anniversary of its withdrawal from BR service, and 50 years since it hauled the last unfitted steam hauled goods on Britain’s mainline network. The latter ties in with what will be GWR 200, and anniversary we feel it vital to have our 28xx in traffic for.

The overriding message at our AGM was, we are moving forward positively, and as fast as is reasonable to do so.

We are thankful to the SVR for the positive meetings, helpful advice, and for allowing our volunteers to work on the locomotive during our working parties.

The sight we’d love to see again very soon. 2857 hauling an unfitted goods along the SVR. (Harry Bradley)

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